Gradient Descent


Main Concept

Gradient Descent is a way to minimize a function (usually a cost function in machine learning problems).


Slope of a function tends to point to a minimum of a function. Hence, by searching along the direction guided by slope, we could end up at a minimum of a function.


Given a function $J(\Theta)$, find $\Theta^{\ast}$ such that $J(\Theta^{\ast})$ is a minimum of $J$. (The most ideal case is to find the global minimum)

Vector Form

Repeat until converge

  • Calculate $\nabla J(\Theta)$
  • Update $\Theta$ with

Scaler Form

Repeat until converge

  • for i = 1 to n
    • Calculate $\frac{\partial J(\Theta)}{\partial \theta_i}$
    • Update $\theta_i$ with

Three Forms in Terms of Size of Data Used in Each Update

Batch Gradient Gradient Descent: Using full training set at each iteration.

Mini-Batch Gradient Descent: Randomly divide training set into small batches and use one small batch at each iteration.

Stochastic Gradient Descent: Randomly select and use one instance from training set at each iteration

Partial Derivative for Frequent Used Functions


Softmax Function:

Cross Entropy:

Input -> Softmax -> Cross Entropy:

Gradient Explode/Vanish Problem

